We maintain an opt-in list of women PhD students in number theory who are graduating in each year.
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2017 PhDs
- Allen, Demi Metric Diophantine Approximation and Fractal Geometry (University of Bristol, UK)
- Banerjee, Debika Analytic number theory (IIIT, India)
- Bilu, Margaret Motivic statistics, IST Austria
- Cantoral Farfan, Victoria Arithmetic geometry
- Marino, Alicia quadratic forms, lattice theory (University of Hartford, USA)
- Rosu, Eugenia Automorphic forms, special values of L-functions, elliptic curves
South/Central Americas
Camacho Navarro, Catalina | Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica |
Cantoral Farfan, Victoria | Arithmetic geometry |
Chara, María de los Angeles | Towers of function fields over finite fields and algebraic geometry codes (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina) |
Quesada-Herrera, Emily | L-functions, Analytic number theory (University of Lethbridge, Canada) |
Salgado, Cecília | Arithmetic geometry (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) |
Wathodkar, Gauree | Combinatorial Number Theory (University of Mississippi, USA) |
Modular and automorphic forms and representations
Abdellatif, Ramla | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon , France |
Abdellatif, Ramla | p-modular and p-adic Langlands programs (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France) |
Alfes-Neumann, Claudia | number theory, automorphic forms (University of Paderborn, Germany) |
Arenas, Àngela | Quadratic forms, automorphic forms and Hilbert modular forms. (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) |
Arnold-Roksandich, Allison | Mock Modular and Quantum Modular Forms (Oregon State University, USA) |
Aubert, Anne-Marie | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris |
Ballantine, Cristina M. | Number Theory, Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms, Algebraic Combinatorics, Visualization of complex functions. (College of the Holy Cross, MA, USA) |
Bayer Isant, Pilar | Arithmetic geometry, modular curves, galois representations. (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) |
Beneish, Lea | Arithmetic statistics of higher degree points on curves and applications of modular generating series (University of California, Berkeley) |
Borade, Neelima | Number theory and algebraic geometry, Princeton University |
Bringmann, Kathrin | Number theory and combinatorics involving elliptic and Siegel modular forms, Maass forms, partitions, and mock theta functions. (University of Cologne, Germany) |
Chan, Charlotte | Representation Theory (University of Michigan, USA) |
Cojocaru, Alina Carmen | Number theory. (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) |
Davis, Rachel | Algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, cryptography, Galois representations. (University of Wisconsin, USA) |
DeCelles, Amy | Spectral theory of automorphic forms. (Bethel University in Mishawaka, IN, USA) |
Dever, Lindsay | Automorphic forms on hyperbolic 3-manifolds (Bryn Mawr College, PA, USA) |
Dijols, Sarah | Representations of reductive groups over local fields, University of Aix-Marseille, France |
Eischen, Ellen | Automorphic forms (University of Oregon, USA) |
Emory, Melissa | Automorphic Representation Theory, Representation Theory of p-adic groups, Number Theory |
Feigon, Brooke | Number theory, Automorphic forms, Representation theory (The City College of New York, USA) |
Fintzen, Jessica | algebraic number theory, representation theory, p-adic groups (University of Michigan, USA, and University of Cambridge, UK and Institute for Advanced Study, USA) |
Folsom, Amanda | Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory, Modular Forms, Maass Forms, Mock Theta Functions, Combinatorics, q-series, Lie Theory, Jacobi forms, Modular units. (Amherst College, USA) |
Frechette, Sharon | Hypergeometric functions over finite field, L-functions, modular forms. (College of the Holy Cross, USA) |
Fuselier, Jenny | Hypergeometric functions over finite fields, modular forms, elliptic curves (High Point University, USA) |
Garthwaite, Sharon | Automorphic forms, partition generating functions (Bucknell University) |
Gerbelli-Gauthier, Mathilde | Automorphic representations, cohomology of arithmetic groups (IAS, USA and CRM, Canada) |
Graves, Hester | Euclidean ideal classes and modular forms. (Queen's University, Ontario, Canada) |
Grundman, Helen G. | Many topics of research (Bryn Mawr College) |
Hahn, Heekyoung | My primary interests are Automorphic L-functions, Relative Trace formula, Algebraic cycles on Shimura varieties and Representations of the classical groups. (Duke University, USA) |
Hamieh, Alia | Algebraic number theory, automorphic forms, half-integral weight modular forms and L-functions. (University of Lethbridge, Canada) |
Hamieh, Alia | Algebraic number theory, automorphic forms, half-integral weight modular forms and L-functions. (University of Lethbridge, Canada) |
Hsu, Catherine | Congruences between modular forms, Euclidean ideals (University of Bristol, UK) |
Hsu, Chi-Yun | Eigenvarieties, Euler systems (UCLA, USA) |
Jameson, Marie | Modular forms and q-series. (University of Tennessee, USA) |
Karen Taylor | Bronx Community College, CUNY (Bronx Community College, CUNY) |
Kezuka, Yukako | Number theory, Iwasawa theory, arithmetic geometry (Universität Regensburg, Germany) |
Khaqan, Maryam | Modular forms, Mock modular forms, Moonshine, Elliptic Curves (Emory University, United States) |
Klinger-Logan, Kim | Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms (University of Minnesota, USA) |
Kumari Moni | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, India |
Kundu, Debanjana | Iwasawa Theory, PhD (University of Toronto) |
Lang, Jaclyn | Galois representations and modular forms (Temple University, Philadelphia) |
Lee, Min | Analytic number theory, especially L-functions, automorphic representations, Maass forms. Harmonic analysis. (Brown University, RI, USA) |
Li, Wenching Winnie | number theory, automorphic forms, zeta functions, spectral graph theory, coding theory (Penn State University) |
Long, Ling | Finite Index Subgroups of the Modular Group and Their Modular Forms (Louisiana State University, USA) |
Ludwig, Judith | Arithmetic geometry, p-adic Langlands program (Universität Bonn, Germany) |
Marzec, Jolanta | Modular and automorphic forms, L-functions (Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland) |
Maurischat, Kathrin | Number theory, Automorphic/Modular forms, Representation theory (Heidelberg University, Germany) |
Medvedovsky, Anna | modular forms, Hecke algebras, Galois representations, mod-p phenomena (Boston University, USA) |
Ollivier, Rachel | Arithmetic and automorphic forms. (University of British Columbia, BC, Canada) |
Pippich, Anna | Automorphic forms (University of Konstanz, Germany) |
Roy, Manami | automorphic forms and elliptic curves (Fordham University, USA) |
Smajlovic, Lejla | Analytic number theory, L-functions, Selberg class (University of Sarajevo) |
Swisher, Holly | Number theory and combinatorics, including modular and mock modular forms, integer partitions, hypergeometric series. (Oregon State University, USA) |
Tanabe, Naomi | Number Theory, Representation Theory, Automorphic Forms, L-functions. (Dartmouth College, USA) |
Thompson, Kate | Quadratic forms, modular forms, quaternion algebras. (DePaul University, USA) |
Treneer, Stephanie | Modular forms, number theory, theory of partitions. (Western Washington University, USA) |
Tretkoff, Paula | Number Theory. Geometry, classical and non-commutative. (Texas A&M University, USA) |
Tu, Fang-Ting | Number theory: modular forms and hypergeometric functions. (Louisiana State University, USA) |
VALENTINO, Maria | Iwasawa theory, Drinfeld modular forms, Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture (University of Calabria, Italy) |
Varma, Ila | Arithmetic Statistics and Galois representations (UC San Diego, USA) |
Vincent, Christelle | Number theory but more precisely modular forms, Drinfeld modules, Drinfeld modular forms and Drinfeld modular curves, curves and Jacobians with CM, and curves over fields of positive characteristic (University of Vermont, USA) |
Walling, Lynne | Modular forms. (University of Bristol, UK) |
Wattanawanichkul, Nawapan (Ploy) | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Wieczorek, Maggie | Modular forms and partition theory (University of Tennessee, USA) |
Xiao, Luciena | Shimura Varieties and Langlands Program (University of Helsinki, Finland) |
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