The conference Women in Numbers Europe II produced a proceedings volume with Springer.

Editors: Bouw, I.I., Özman, E., Johnson-Leung, J., Newton, R. (Eds.)
Table of Contents
- Lower Bounds for Heights in Relative Galois Extensions — Akhtari, Shabnam (et al.)
- Reductions of Algebraic Integers II — Perucca, Antonella
- Reductions of One-Dimensional Tori II — Perucca, Antonella
- On the Carlitz Rank of Permutation Polynomials Over Finite Fields: Recent Developments — Anbar, Nurdagül (et al.)
- Dynamical Belyi Maps — Anderson, Jacqueline (et al.)
- Discriminant Twins — Deines, Alyson
- The a-Number of Hyperelliptic Curves — Frei, Sarah
- Non-ordinary Curves with a Prym Variety of Low p-Rank — Celik, Turku Ozlum (et al.)
- Elliptic Fibrations on Covers of the Elliptic Modular Surface of Level 5 — Balestrieri, Francesca (et al.)
- On Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer’s Cubic Surfaces — West, Mckenzie