There exist a short list of individual research funding opportunities for number theorists. Here we provide an overview.
1) National Science Foundation:
- three-year grants in Algebra & Number Theory (usually due in October).
- five-year CAREER grants (usually due in July).
2) National Security Agency Mathematical Sciences Program:
- Young Investigators Grants and Standard Grants, each two years in length (usually due in October).
- Fellowships that extend sabbatical leave or provide a break from duties (usually due in September).
- Collaboration grants that provide five years of travel funding for self and collaborators (usually due in December).
- AMS-Simons Grants that provide travel funding for early career (usually due in March).
- Targeted research grants for high-risk/reward projects (rolling deadline).
4) Centennial Fellowship. One-year fellowship to support research (generally travelling to another institution; usually due beginning of December).
5) Association for Women in Mathematics. For female researchers and education researchers, deadlines thrice yearly.
- Travel Grants for Women Researchers (funds single conference trips)
- Mathematics Education Research Travel Grants (education researchers attending math conferences or vice versa)
- Mathematics Mentoring Travel Grants (travel to collaborate with a mentor)
- Mathematics Education Mentoring Travel Grants (travel to collaborate, researcher with education researcher)
The following are postdoctoral fellowships not tied to a particular institution:
1) National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.